2023년 5월 29일 월요일

VI. How Must We Live If We Were to Be Happy Forevermore: the Theory of Practice.

 VI. How Must We Live If We Were to Be Happy

Forevermore: the Theory of Practice.



1. One Must Take Refuge in the Orthodox Dharma and Practice

with Chanting the Name of Sakyamuni Buddha.



If we were to be happy, we must cut off the karmic obstruction of the evil deeds which is the seed of unhappiness, and if anyone wish to be saved by extinguishing the obstruction of karma, he must meet the congregation of the Buddha and take refuge in the orthodox dharma.

And as it is impossible to extinguish the obstruction of karma by the self power, it is almost out of the question to be free from the three evil ways and transmigration without taking the refuge in Buddha.

At present Buddha's congregation, which is rare to meet in millions of kalpas of eons, is being held at Hyeonjisa Temple of the Vulture Peak Buddhism.

I sincerely implore to you all to take refuge in the orthodox dharma and chant the name of Buddha so that you may receive the grace of empowerment of Buddha. That is the only way for you to live happily in this life, die peacefully like going to bed when the time comes, and then not only go to the heavenly realm avoiding the way to the three evil ways but also to the realm of enlightenment where the everlasting happiness is.

The practice of chanting the name of Buddha is the orthodox way of practice you may find in many sutras. Many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also practiced the chanting the name of Buddha. So did the two Great Masters of the Vulture Peak Buddhism for scores of years and attained the Buddhahood.

There are many Buddha's names to chant, but you must chant the name of Sakyamuni Buddha who is the Buddha of Buddhas. At present Sakyamuni Buddha is abiding at Hyeonjisa Temple in Korea as a personified Buddha-body.

You must also read the Diamond Sutra, recite the Buddha's dharani, and chant ardently the name of Sakyamuni Buddha as a hungry child is calling the name of its mother.



2. You Must Observe the Immaculate Precepts

and Practice the Filial Duty Along with the Bodhisattva Way.


The precept is a stern mandate of the World-honored One to live without committing sin. Without precepts, one cannot enter samadhi, and without precepts, one cannot also hope to receive the empowerment of Buddha. Therefore, one must observe the immaculate precepts as if they are his own life.

The basic five precepts are not killing, not taking anything that is not given, refraining from sexual immorality, not lying, and avoiding intoxicants. Along with the basic five precepts, one must practice ten good deeds. They are generosity, morality, mental cultivation, reverence, amicable association with others, dedication, rejoicing in the merits of others', teaching the dharma, listening to the dharma, and lastly correcting one's own view. Most of all, one must repent the sin with all one's heart.

Along with all these, one must also practice the filial duty to his parents and ancestors. The filial duty is the principal ideology of Buddhism. It is also the cosmic law of repaying the debt for the grace one received from the parents and ancestors beyond the concept of morality.

It is the primary duty to observe the filial duty when the parents are alive. But the true filial duty is to deliver the dead spirits of one's parents and ancestors suffering in the realms of hungry ghosts and hell.

Next is to lay up the roots of virtue through incessant practice of Bodhisattva way, such as helping the poor neighbors. One must also practice compassion and the selfless Bodhisattva way for others' benefit. This is also the best way to receive the grace and empowerment of Buddha.

The wisdom and blessings are like two wings of the way to enlightenment. Especially, the practice of the wholesome roots and merit for the benefit of other beings performed at the congregation of the Buddha is the unsurpassed way to be reborn in the realm of enlightenment.



3. One Must Practice the Prenatal Education of the Bodhisattva

of Great Compassion for the Happiness of the Descendents.



The prenatal education decides the fate of the embryo, and it is much more important than the lifelong education after its birth. It is the education not only for oneself but also the education and practice for the happiness of the posterity.

Buddha Himself discoursed about the prenatal education in the Universal Section of the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion in the Lotus Sutra. This new step of prenatal education is also entrusted to the Great Master Jajae Manhyeon of Hyeonjisa Temple by the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion who manifested in Master's samadhi.

The prenatal education of the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion can relate good affinity with the substance of soul before the conception, and after the conception, the prenatal education can raise not only a genius but also a sage through purifying the karmic obstruction by the miraculous spiritual power of the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion. No other foreign prenatal education can be compared with the prenatal education of the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, which should be promoted at the level of the nation.

The List of Hyonjisa Temples,

Propagation Centers &

Buddhist College



Homepage: htt//www.hyonjisa.com


Head Temple: Hyonjisa Temple

95 Jichon-ri, Sabuk-myon, Chunchon City, Kangwon Province.

Phone: 033) 243-1795 & 1787

Fax: 033) 243-1371


Busan Branch: Busan Hyonjisa Branch Temple

15th floor, Yisen Tower, 1439-2 Oncheon 2-dong, Dongrae

District, Busan City.

Phone: 051) 554-5150, 556-5524

Fax: 051) 556-5150


Daejon Branch: 14-39 Byeon-dong, Seo-gu District, Daejon City.

Phone: 042) 525-5325, 5345

Fax: 042) 525-5035


Koseong Branch: 195-2 Daejin-ri, Hyeonnae-myeon, Koseong County,

Kangwon Province.

Phone: 033) 681-5515

Fax: 033) 681-5538


Daegu Propagation Center: 50-13 Daemyeong 5-dong, South District, Daegu


Phone: 053) 654-5557

Fax: 053) 654-5507




Seoul Propagation Center: 630-41 Jayang 1-dong, Gwngjin District, Seoul


Phone: 02) 453-5953

Fax: 02) 453-5954


Jeju Branch:

Phone: 064)783-5355

Buddhist College:

Phone: 042) 525-5355


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