The Message of New Buddhism
to All the Buddhists in Korea and the World
on the New Year Day of 2014.
I. Why Must It Be the New and
the Vulture Peak Buddhism?
The Vulture Peak Buddhism is the new Buddhism of the cosmic truth to open the age of orthodox dharma by subverting the current mislead and diminished Buddhism of the era of decline of the illustrious doctrine founded by the Great Master Gwangmyeong Mandeok, Venerable Kasyapa, and the Great Master Jajae Manhyeon, Venerable Ananda, who have succeeded the dharma lineage of Buddha.
1. The Vulture Peak Buddhism Is the Orthodox
Buddhism Which Succeeded
the Dharma Lineage of Buddha.
1) Venerable Kasyapa and Ananda Who Were Entrusted
the Orthodox Dharma by Buddha.
Buddha entrusted the dharma lineage to the Lord's disciples Kasyapa and Ananda at the time of the Vulture Peak congregation. The transmission of the dharma robe by the Lord to Mahakasyapa at the Vulture Peak congregation; the three occasions of transmission of mind to mind from
Buddha to Kasyapa; and the testimony of the transmission of the orthodox dharma discoursed in the Anguttra-nikaya all support the truth of transmission of the dharma to the two venerable disciples by the Buddha.
In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra of the Mahayana Buddhism, Buddha discoursed to the disciples, "As I have transmitted all the illustrious laws I have discoursed to Mahakasyapa, he will be a great prop for all of you to rely on in the future." In the Sutra of Great Compassion, Buddha also commanded to Ananda, "I am transmitting the unexcelled, perfect enlightenment I have attained through incalculable billions of eons of time and the stores of great law to you now. Therefore, don't forget to expound them without amiss so that they will not be terminated."
2) The Lawful Disciples of the Orthodox Dharma Gwangmyeong Mandeok, Venerable Kasyapa, and the Great Master Jajae Manhyeon, Venerable Ananda, Founded the Vulture Peak Buddhism.
The Most Honored Buddha is abiding at Hyeonjisa Temple manifested in Buddha-body at the time of the 21st Century, 2,600 years after the entrustment of the orthodox dharma so that the Lord could help the Venerable Kasyapa and Ananda attain the Buddhahood and then take them along with Him. Another reason the Lord decided to abide at Hyeonjisa Temple as the permanent abode is to open the new Buddhism of orthodox dharma.
Both Gwangmyeong Mandeok, Venerable Kasyapa at the time of the Vulture Peak congregation, and the Great Master Jajae Manhyeon, Venerable Ananda at the time of the Vulture Peak congregation, attained the Buddhahood in Korea with the help of the Lord Buddha. The Great Master Gwangmyeong Mandeok also became the crown prince and succeeded the unsurpassed law of the Buddha in the status of enlightened Buddha.
With the Great Master Jajae Manhyeon, the crown prince Venerable Ananda, the Great Master also founded the Vulture Peak Buddhism on the 15th day of the sixth moon in lunar calendar 2551 (BE) to open the new age of orthodox dharma. On this day, the Great Master Gwangmyeong Mandeok transmitted the dharma lineage of the Buddha to the Great Master
Jajae Manhyeon and bequeathed the dharma robe of thirty-three patches as a token.
3) The Secret of Three Triangular Dots of the Letter (伊字三點 ∴) of the Nirvana Sutra and the Advent of the Orthodox Dharma.
About the secrets of Buddha's renunciation of the mundane world and the advent of the orthodox dharma, we can find them in the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, the Flower Garland Sutra, Anguttrara-nikaya, or the Graded Collection, etc. The secret of the three triangular dots of the letter we find in the Longevity Section of Mahaparinirvana means that three Buddhas who are all equipped with Triple Body--Dharmakaya, or the body of pure being or essence, Sambhogakaya, or the body of manifestation of the universal Buddha-essence in symbolic form, and Nirmanakaya, or the body of transformation--will manifest in the world.
However, the truth is that the two of the three Buddhas manifesting in the world are the Great Master Gwangmyeong Mandeok and the Great Master Jajae Manhyeon, the successors of the orthodox dharma of the Buddha.
About the orthodox dharma, the Mahaparinirvana expounds that the indoctrinations of Agama are the 'half-lettered teaching (半字敎)' which is only the fundamental teachings, and in the future, 'full-lettered teaching (滿字敎)', that is the higher level of teachings will emerge. This is what we call the new Vulture Peak Buddhism of the 21st Century.
2. The Vulture Peak Buddhism Is the New Buddhism
that Overturned the Mislead and Subsided Current Buddhism.
The common problems of current mislead and subsided Buddhism in the world are the triple non-existence of Buddhism: the non-existence of Buddha, the non-existence of the substance of human soul, and the non-existence of the way of practice to become a Bodhisattva, and the fundamental reason of all this is the misleading interpretation of 'non-self'.
1) The Current Buddhism of the World
Is the Buddhism without Buddha.
Buddha subsists as such in the absolute reality of non-self beyond the time and space and also beyond existence and nonexistence. However, the current Buddhism does not know the subsistence of living personality of Buddha, who is actually Smbhogakaya, or the manifestation of the universal Buddha-essence.
They say the mind is Buddha. They think the Buddha who entered nirvana in India 2,600 years ago returned to emptiness and exterminated. The Lotus Sutra, The Sutra of Golden Light, and some other important Mahayana sutras and treatises confirm the subsistence of Buddha, yet they do not listen to them, and this is the actual circumstances of the present Buddhism of the evil time of the five turbidities. The Buddhism that does not know Buddha and does no know the Lord's power of deliverance is not Buddhism.
2) The Established Buddhism Misleads the Theory
of 'Non-self' and Denies the Substance of Soul.
The doctrine of 'non-self (無我)' of Buddha means nonexistence of the substance of all the phenomenal world, and its practical meaning is, of course, renunciation of "the attachment of self" and "the greedy mind." However, the established Buddhism misinterprets it and then misleads the people by denying the substance of human soul which is the subsistence of the realm of noumenon beyond the phenomenal world.
They claim that as there is no substance of self, there must not be a subject or the nucleus of transmigration. On the basis of this misinterpretation, to solve the contradiction of "the theory of 'non-self' and the nucleus of transmigration," they developed diverse theories for more than 2,000 years, but none of the nonsensical theories were convincing. What's more, this mislead theory of 'non-self' became the principal offender of the deterioration of Buddhism.
If you deny the substance of man, the nucleus of transmigration and enlightenment, and Buddha and Bodhisattvas, there is no reason for Buddhism to exist. I once again emphasize that the substance of soul which is also the substance of human being subsists and the nucleus of transmigration is none other than the substance of soul.
3) There Is No System of Practice to Become
Buddha and Bodhisattvas
in the Current Buddhism of the World.
The objective of vipassana meditation of the southern or Hinayana Buddhism is to become an arhat. As it relies entirely on the self-power, there is no way to become a Buddha or a Bodhisattva. On the other hand, the meditation practice of the northern Seon or Zen Buddhism is not the traditional practice of Buddhism. Especially, Hwadu contemplation meditation of the Korean Buddhism is the Outside Way practice that is not in the Buddhist sutra.
The meaning of doctrine such as, "Seeing self-nature and attaining the Buddhahood." or "Mind itself is the Buddha." is a foolish talk which could not distinguish attaining the Buddhahood from realizing the self-nature. The catch phrase of the Tibetan Buddhism, "This body itself is Buddha," one of the three practices of the triple secret (三密), with which one can, they say, attain the Buddhahood, is also a foolish logic that blaspheme the Buddha-body and belittle Buddhism.
The Buddha-body, or the Body of Bliss is realized in the ultimate reality in selflessness when one is completely unified with the original nature of the universe, not on the level of the practice of the triple secret of the Tibetan Esoteric practice. The nature of yoga, one of the three steps of practice of the formless yoga tantra, is the practice of the Outside Way. I want to tell you that the only way to become a Buddha or a Bodhisattva is invoking the name of Buddha.
3. The Vulture Peak Buddhism Is the Teaching
of Sambhogakaya in the Present Age of 21st Century.
Sakyamuni Buddha manifested in the physical body in India 2,600 years ago to plant the seed of Buddhism and then expounded Agama, the fundamental teachings of Buddhism. About five to six hundred years since then, Buddha sent His avatar such as Manjusri Bodhisattva to the mundane world to edit the Mahayanas sutras and taught more elevated teachings than at the time of the Vulture Peak congregation.
And then again in the 21st Century, the Lord incarnated in Sambhogakaya, or the Body of Bliss, in Korea to guide the Great Master Gwangmyeong Mandeok and the Great Master Jajae Manhyeon so that they could attain the Buddhahood, and then transmitted the optimal level of consumate teaching through two great masters. Therefore, the Vulture Peak Buddhism is the Buddha's teaching in the present age of the 21st Century.
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