2010년 12월 24일 금요일

An Interview with a Reporter on the Thoughts of Yongsan Buddhism-3

Will it be correct if I understand the real
existence of the Buddha that you have
declared as this Reward Body Buddha?
Taking this opportunity, could you please
explain the Buddha Body(佛身) to us more in

  The theory of the Buddha Body(佛身論) is an
important part that is the essence of the essence
and the highest level in the doctrine of Buddhism.
The theory of the Three Bodies of the Buddha
appears in sutras and treaties, but they are abstract
and incorrect.  It is impossible to realize the theory
of the Buddha Body correctly unless one reaches
the level of a Buddha; especially, scholars will be
faced with a great limitation to grasp theoretically.
Yongsan Buddhism has put forward correct and
concrete theory of the Three Bodies on the basis
of experiences of the Great Monks.

  The three forms of the Bodies that the Buddha
has are the Dharma Body Buddha(法身佛), the
Reward   Body     Buddha  (報身佛), and   the
Transformation Body Buddhas(化身佛).

  The Dharma Body Buddha is the formless
universal light of a Buddha who has become one
with the whole Dharma realm of the universe.  As
the Dharma  Body Buddha has the concept of
covering the whole Dharma  realm beyond the
universe, his light is different at its level from that
of self nature that exists beyond the phenomenal
world.  It is the original body of a Buddha Body,
and a Real Buddha.  This Dharma Body Buddha
exists, transcending sense and form. So he does
not think nor discriminate.  He always shines over
the Dharma realm of the universe. What is more,
there is no place where this light does not shine.
Therefore, there is no place where he does not

 A Reward Body Buddha is an original Buddha
with a form,  whose  existence  relies  on  the
Dharma  Body  Buddha.  A Reward Body Buddha
is a Body made of  light  and a  Body   with
blessings that a Buddha Body of a Buddha and
his four  spiritual bodies   are  completely put
together.  A Reward Body Buddha is the central
Buddha who possesses 32 bodily signs and 80
marks, who thinks and judges  as a body  with
human character, and who saves sentient beings.
As a Reward Body Buddha is made of a billion
kinds   of  transparent   and lucid  Immeasurable
Light,   he does  not  become  extinct  through all
eternity,   and can  display universal awesome
spiritual  powers, freely  entering  the  utmost
samadhi,  namely samadhi  of great  quiescence.
The Buddha on whom we must rely is no other
than this Reward Body Buddha.
  The Transformation Body Buddhas who are the
third Bodies mean the Buddhas who manifest in
thousands, millions,  and billions of  Bodies to
save sentient beings.  A Reward Body Buddha can
manifest  countless numbers   of Transformation
Body      Buddhas    as    necessary.   These
Transformation Body Buddhas are independent
Bodies with human character,  and perform
activities  of saving sentient beings.

  The view  of the Buddha  Body asserted by
Tibetan  Buddhism,  and  that  asserted  by Seon
Buddhism  are  both  very mistaken views.  Tibetan
Buddhism understands the pure illusory body
that   a   mind-made body  (意生身)    of    a
practitioner has created by receiving the light of
original nature    of   the universe (淨光明, vimala-
prabhasa of jing guang ming) as a reward   body,  but
this is a relatively low-grade body with a limited
lifespan that  cannot daringly  be compared  with
the Reward Body in  the  theory  of the  Buddha
Body.  There is more than a world of difference
between the two.  Also, Seon Buddhism is looking
for the three bodies of the Buddha in Mind (self
nature, 自性三身), but I definitely tell you that this
is also  a  false  speech,  saying  without  any
knowledge of   the aspect  of  the Buddha.  It is
clearly stated in 'the Parable' in the Lotus Sutra.

source /An Interview with a Reporter on the Thoughts of Yongsan Buddhism
publication/Hyonjisa, Yongsan Buddhism

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