ECOVIEW Headline
'He was enlightened and has attained Buddhahood by virtue
of empowerment of the Buddha'
Great Monk Jajae Manhyon
of Yongsan Buddhism
The twelfth day of the forthcoming My is 2552 Buddhist Era. It is the day when Sakyamuni
Buddha manifested himself as a human in the human world. He had attained Buddhahood nayuta kalpas before. He was born in a human body again some 2500 years ago, and rose to the throne of the Buddha through ascetic sufferings and practice of meditation. He departed from this world, leaving vehind the words on the truth of the universe through the forty-five long years of his Dharma teaching. Let us redefine the meaning that the Buddha came to this world some 2500 years ago and what he spoke about the truth with the living message of a Buddha, Great Monk Jajae Manhyon, the founderof the Yongsan Buddhism, who is spreading the true Dharma of the Buddha on this land in the beginning of the 21st century. Let us also share some of our precious time together to ponder how we should live our life in this era. Reporter Hyun Ji-hye Photographer Kim Bo-hwa
Yongsan Buddhism
In January 2001, Great Monk Jajae Manhyon personally met Sakyamuni Buddha dwelling in
the Absolure Realm through recitation of the sacred name of the Buddha and attained the approval of Buddhahood. Yongsan Buddhism which has been dounded by the Great Monk has established its main principles of teaching that they will seek to receive empowement of Sakyamuni Buddha. escape from transmigration, become a Bodhisattva of the Westem Pure Lans and attain Buddhahood. Yongsan Buddhism hopes that people will practice chanting the sacred name of Sakyamuni Buddha who possesses the Three Bodies of the Dharma, Reward and Transformation with wisdom, compassion, blessedvirtues, supematural powers and deep samadhi. It also hopes that through this chanting practice they will live a good life in this life- time, and attain rebirth in the Westem Pure Land by being freed from the cycle of life and
At Hyonji Temple in Chuncheon, countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas including Sakyamuni Buddha dwell or manifest at present. The Great Monk preaches to lay Buddhists on the true Dharma of the Buddha and the proper practice method at Hyonji Temple in Chuncheon, Busan Branch, Daejeon Branch, etc. every month.
Especially, Yongsan Buddhism takes it as a fundamental to study SAutras continuously togeth-er with cultivating one's practice and blessed virtues and establish systematic knowledge about the Raealm of the Buddha Dharma. Therefore, taking the Sutras like the Agama Sutra, the ksitigarbha Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, the lotus Sutra, etc. as its basic Sutras, it emphasizes that all Bauddhist practitioners must study the Sutras.
"The Buddha is the King who attained Buddhahood nayuta and
asankhya kalpas Before he became the Buddha, he had prac-
ticed and completed the Path of a Bodhisattva that is, almsgiv-
ing, morality, patience, devotion, meditation, and wisdom every time he
was born. He cultivated sufficient wisdom, and merit and virtues to
become a Buddha."
This is an indication about the life of Sakyamuni Buddha that Great
Monk Jajae Manhyon has made as a human and practitioner, and the
Founder of Yongsan Buddhism who had lived a life of only a practition-
er by practicing the Tahreefold Learning of morality, concentration and
wisdom during half his lifetime. He also said that the stage that the
Buddha had reached wad the universal enlightenment and truth that
simultanelusly passed through both the material anf spiritual world.
The Buddha is the universal human character
who has combined with the principle of the uni-
"The Buddha id the human character who is universal and transcen-
dental at the same time. It is because he has combined with the principle
of the universe. He has become light itself and shines over the universe all
the time. As he possesses eternal life, perfect wisdom and compassion,
and universal ability, the Buddha is a true God with human character."
The real character of the universe, that is, the principle of creation and
destruction(life and death) of all things that the Buddha became aware of
by attaining Buddhahood was the cause and effect, and cause and condi-
tion. He attained enlightenment siting under the Bodhi tree at Gaya,
formed sangha, and entered nirvana. The main contents of the Dharma
teaching that he preached during the forty-five years was no other than the
doctrine of interdependent arising.
The Great Monk has personally met the Buddha in the state of samadhi
during practice since 2001. He listened to the Dharma talks of the Buddha
at the same time, and shared a lot of conversations with countless Buddhas
and Bodhisattvas. He gives an admonition to contemporary mankind on
the existence of the Buddha about whom people just regard as a worldly
value or goal of life.
"Sakyamuni Buddha is the Buddha of the Buddhas who has produced
uncountable Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Threefold Great Thousand
World Systema. If one is a Buddha, he practices pure and clean actions
over billions of kalpas, completesactions of a Bodhisattva living with no
possession, and then possesses the Dharma Body Buddha, that is, the
formless universal body that has combined with the truth of the universe.
At the same time, in the Lotus Treasury Realm, he possesses his own
Bauddha Body with a holy character of the 32 bodily signs made of light of
the Absolute Realm (the Reward Body). This Buddha Body teaches and
saves sentient beings within the wheel of life and death, manifesting tens
of thousands of his own Transformation Bodies (the Transformation
Buddhas). The Buddha (the Reward Body) abiding in the Absolute Realm
in Selflessness that transcends existence and non-existence becomes a
light mass going beyond clearness and purity, and teaches and saves arhats
and Bodhisattvas, going and coming to the phenomenal world."
The truth of all things in the universe that transmi-
grate in cause and conditions are created and
At the same thime, Great Monk Jajae Manhyon clearly tells about the
world of the truth that exists beyond the dtate of a Buddha and the realm of
"The Buddha entered the deepest samadhi of the Buddha (Samadhi of
Great Quiesence), and realized the great truth of the universe. The truth was
the doctrine of interdependent arising. It is the law of cause and effect and
the doctrine of caus and conditions. This is the principle which creates and
extinguishes the universe and all things. This principle alone is 'I' existing
by itselfwithout being bom. In Buddhism, this is called emptiness, one
mind, the truth, one's own master, etc. This is not a human character. This
is every inch an impersonal character."
Those who have causal connections with Buddhism will understand that
all affairs in the world have cause and effect and the doctrine of intered-
pendent arising becomes the fundamental of our life. The Great Monk said
that the Buddha is also in the place of a teacher who teaches and awakens
how humans must live their life, by speaking of a simple truth to us.
"The Buddha said that sentient beings are bom and die by the karma
that they commit. He also said that they transmigrate in the six realms
according to the karmic power of good and evil. He further said that all
things are made of one body. If one does not discriminate I and lives vir-
tuously, loving one's neighbors, he will be bom in heaven. If one thinks
of himself only and lives a life with greed, committing sin, he will fall
down into Hell or the realm of animaks."
All karma and merit and virtues that a human has in the world will act
as a catalyst for a long time and countless lifetimes in the future, and give
a momentum to sentient beings to live transmigrating lives. Likewise, if
we properly understand
the teachings and message
of the Buddha that Great
Monk Jajae Manhyon
preaches to us and put it
into practice in our daily
life, all people who live in
the digital era of the 21st
century will be able to
gain mental comfort and
spiritual salvation.
"The Buddha said that if
one develops one's mind
and practices meditative
concentration according to
the Buddha's practice
method, he will escape
from the birth and death of
the six realms, and if one enters samadhi as taught by the Buddha and
practice the Path of a Bodhisattva, he will attain rebirth in the Western
Pure land. We must repent of the wrong-doings of the past, respect the
great saints so that we can live well in this life and even in the next life,
practicefilial piety to our parents, live in one's nation, revere ethical
morality, keep away from evil, and live practicing the Ten Virtues."
The Great Monk always speaks and emphasizes that practitioners and
lay Buddhists must live by filial piety and loyalty to one's nation, and the
Ten Virtues. He also stresses that the life of a human eventually lies in cul-
tivating wisdom with pure mind and in sharing this thought and mind with
others. Great Monk Jajae Manhyon is the final body of Ananda who was
one of the Ten Noble Disciples of the Buddha at the time of the Assembly
of the Spirit Mountain (Yongsan) some 2500 years ago, and was also
called 'the premier in the greatly heard.' It is for the same reason that he
has established Yongsan Buddhism in this land and delivers the true
Dharma of the Buddha.
A great saint delivering the true Kharma of
Sakyamuni Buddha on this land after having
attained Buddhahood
Nayuta and Asankhya kalpas before
He who is great enough to swattow
the whote universe with one mouth
has combined with the great spirit, emptiness, mind, I AM
who existsby itself
and become the Pure Dharma Body Vairochana
Sakyamuni Buddha
who is the Master of the universe
He has become
the Complete Body of Bliss, Nosana Sakyamuni Buddha,
possessing the Body of Bliss, that is, the Buddha Body
with the thirty-two bodily signs
made of holy and rare light
possessing wisdom, compassion, blessed virtues, power
of samadhi,
and supernatural powers as numerous as the grains of
sand in the Ganges there
in the Lotus Treasury Absolute Realm with
Immeasurable Light
2500 years ago
He come the the land of the Ancient India
in the form of the Responsive Ttransformation Body,
said karma, spoke of cause and conditions,
spread the seed of the true Dharma,
and entered complete nirvana.
He is truly God, the most highly respected king,
manifesting not in thousands of hesds
but in hundreds, thousands, millions and billions of
Transformation Bodies
all over the Threefold Great Thousand World Systems.
The Three Bodies of the Dharma, Reward and
Transformation Bodies,
act individuatly,
or sometimes as the Reward Body (the Buddha Body),
become one with the Pure Dharma body Vairochana
have produced countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
since Nayuta kalpas,
taught and saved sentient beings,
and helped to maintain the peace of the world."
Jajae Manhyon prays vows.
As a servant of Buddha, the world-Honoured, and the
king of Buddhism,
in order to let the real character of the Buddha known,
to enhance the distorted true Dharma of the Buddha,
and to save the sentient beings
who have fallen down into the sufferings of the Three
Evil Destinies,
"I will devote my body to you
until this body is divided into tens of thousands of
and even turned to powder."