VII. Conclusion on the Arguments of 'Non-self' and
the Main Constituent of Transmigration.
So far we have observed that 'the misleading theory of non-self' was the principal offender that desecrated our Buddhism, and through right understanding of the doctrine of 'non-self', we could not only see the subsistence of the essential nature and the ultimate reality of the soul of man but also verify the foundation of the subsistence of the reality of the four virtues of nirvana and the actual subsistence of all the venerable Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
We also saw that the world of transmigration in the six realms of karmic existence is the actual reality of our life not something that exists in our mind. Now our Yeongsan Buddhism is going to open the age of illustrious doctrine of the Buddha's orthodox teaching leaving the long dark tunnel of misleading theory of 'non-self' behind. And for its first step, Yeongsan Buddhism officially proclaim the doctrine of the transmigration of the substance of soul as the teaching of Buddhism.
I am going to conclude as follow sincerely wishing all the loving and venerable Buddhists all over the world to receive the illuminating light of this truth and join the path of the unsurpassed orthodox dharma.
1. The right definition of 'non-self' is that, "'Self', a subsistence in the phenomenal world, is only a composition of five skandhas and, therefore, is not 'true-self' as a noumenon. And my substance of soul, which is defiled with non-fundamental matters such as karmic obstructions, is also not my 'true-self'."
2. If we understand the theory of 'non-self' correctly, there will be no contradiction between the doctrine of 'non-self' and the main constituent of transmigration. However, as for the terminology, 'no-self (非我)' seems more appropriate than 'non-self (無我)', because the word 'non-self' embodies the Buddha's instruction, "One should not be attached to 'self' of the phenomenal world."
3. In the ultimate reality of four virtues of nirvana--the permanence in Dharma-body with no birth and death, joy of nirvana without any affliction, unobstructed true-self, and purity of dharma without any defilement--only 'true-self', not 'no-self', the great self, not the small self, subsists as my ultimate nature, and there really abide not only Buddha and Bodhisattvas who manifest not only in the sutras but also in the realm of enlightenment of the Pure Land of Utmost Bliss, etc.
Therefore, seeing the realm of enlightenment, Buddha and Bodhisattvas, the world of transmigration in the six realms of karmic existence, the realm of the Pure Land of Utmost Bliss, etc. subsist only on the inner level of mind is a complete fallacy.
4. Denying the substance of soul which is the real self in the realm of the ultimate reality by misunderstanding 'non-self' is not the teaching of the Buddha. Such misunderstanding is same as the heretical doctrine of the Outside Way which disturbs the foundation of Buddhism.
5. The theory of 'non-self' transmigration which claims transmigration without its main constituent is an utterly wrong idea which is against the Buddhist doctrine and the cosmic law of causality. This automatically justifies the claim that transmigration must have its main constituent.
6. The kinds of mind and consciousness which have no function of thinking and judgement cannot be, in any occasion, the nucleus of transmigration. The substance of soul which is, in fact, the subject of consciousness, can only be the nucleus of transmigration and enlightenment.
7. The nucleus of transmigration is 'no-self', the substances of soul No. 1 to No. 3, which is stained by the non-fundamental things such as karmic obstruction, etc. The nucleus of enlightenment is the pure substance of soul which is free of non-fundamental things. Therefore, the doctrine of transmigration of the substance of soul is the only orthodox teaching of the Buddha.
8. In conclusion, the substance of soul is the everlasting ultimate reality of man, which is also the nucleus of karmic actions, the nucleus of the recipient of retribution, the nucleus of transmigration of the sentient beings, the nucleus of enlightenment, and the nucleus of the master of the long journey of the sentient beings who either fall into hell or attain the Buddhahood.
이 책에 나오는 중요 佛敎 專門用語
Important Buddhist Technical Terms in This Book
靈魂體/靈體: the substance of soul
本體/本質: noumenon / (phenomenon, 곧 現像에 대한 對稱), essence, or intrinsic nature / (哲) substance, the thing in itself / (佛) the ultimate reality
本體界/絶對界: the realm of noumenon, or the realm of ultimate substance or reality
實體: substance
實體我: substantial-self
實在/實存: subsistence, actual or real existence, reality
實際: the truth, a fact, reality, or actual condition
主體: subject, nucleus, or the main body, / (法) the main or chief constituent
主體性: subjectivity
同體: the same substance
有: subsistence, or existence
有我: subsistent-self
無我: non-self
非我: no-self
自我: ego-self
無我說의 實體: the substance of the theory of non-self
意生身: the will-body
八大自在: the eight great self manifestations
主人公: subject, master, or hero
存在: subsistence, existence
存在하다(動詞): subsist, or exist
常住不變: permanent and everlasting
心識: the mind and consciousness or perception
根本識: the fundamental consciousness
有分識: bhavanga, or the consciousness which is the cause of rebirth
識身: consciousness of body or touch
識神: consciousness of god
神識: god-consciousness
八識: eight kinds of perception, or consciousness:
眼識: visual perception
耳識: audio perception
鼻識: olfactory perception
舌識: savory perception
身識: tactile perception
意識: mental perception
末羅識: will or karmic consciousness
阿賴耶識: alaya-vijnana, or the storehouse of consciousness
三身(佛): Trikaya: the triple body of the Buddha
法身(佛): Dharmakaya: the Dharma-body, or the universal Buddha-essence as absolute reality.
報身(佛): Sambhogakaya: the Buddha of Bliss, or the body of manifestation of the universal Buddha-essence in symbolic form
化身(佛): Nirmanakaya: the body of transformation, or the incarnation body of Buddha
如來十號: ten epithets of Tathagata:
如來: Tathagata
應供: Arhat
正遍知: Perfectly enlightened One
明行足: Possessed of wisdom and practice
善逝: Well-gone One
世間解: Knower of the world
無上士: Unsurpassed One
調御丈夫: Tamer of man
天人師: the teacher of Deva and human
佛世尊: the World-honored Buddha
大醫王: the Great Healer, or the King of Medicine
觀世音菩薩: Avalokiteshvara, or the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion
地藏菩薩: Ksitigarbha, or the Earth Treasury King of Great Vow Bodhisattva
普賢菩薩: Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, or the Bodhisattva of Great Vow and Action
文殊菩薩: Manjusri Bodhisattva, or the Bodhisattva of Great Wisdom
木蓮尊者: Maudgalyayana, one of the Buddha's ten major disciples, known as foremost in transcendental power
善財童子: Sudhana, a priestling, or the seeker of the Way or truth
三法印: Tri-dharma mudra, or the three universal truth:
諸行無常: all compounded things are impermanent
諸法無我: all Dharmas or phenomena lack self-nature
涅槃寂靜: timeless void of nirvana, or nirvana is quiescence free from birth and death
四聖諦: the Four Noble Truths:
苦聖諦: the holy truth of duhkha or suffering
集聖諦: the holy truth of the cause, or the source of suffering
滅聖諦: the holy truth of the cessation of suffering
道聖諦: the holy truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering (the Noble Eightfold Path)
八正道: the Noble Eightfold Path or Truth:
正見: right view
正思: right though or thinking
正語: right speech
正業: right action or karma
定命: right means of livelihood
精進: right endeavor or effort
正念: right mindfulness
正定: right meditation
三十二相: the thirty-two auspicious signs or marks of excellence
八十種好: the eighty distinctive bodily marks of Sakyamuni Buddha
八萬大藏經: the Complete Collection of Eighty Thousand Buddhist Sutras, Laws, and Treatises
金剛經: the Diamond Sutra
般若心經: the Heart Sutra
大涅槃經: the Great Mahaparinirvana Sutra
大寶積經: the Maharatnakuta Sutra
藥師如來本願經: the Original Vows of the Medicine Buddha Sutra
卽身成佛: this body itself is Buddha
孝誠: filial piety
魂魄: soul and spirit: When one dies, the soul goes to heaven and the spirit returns to the earth.
十二干支 (동물들을 포함한 黃道帶): the twelve zodiac signs, or the twelve earthy branches including animals: mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, hen, dog, and hog.
一微蘊: the continuous existence of a very subtle consciousness
窮生死蘊: the aggregate that lasts up to the end of samsara
補持伽羅: pudgala: the subject or nucleus of transmigration
非卽非離蘊: neither the same as five skandhas nor different from them
三惡道: Three evil paths or realms
三毒: three evil roots, or three poisons:
貪: desire, craving, or greed
瞋: anger or hatred
癡: ignorance
108 煩惱: 108 passions or defilements
氣: the vital breath
習氣: the habitual energy or disposition
無記: neutral or indeterminate state, which cannot be noted as good or bad
法界: dharmadhatu, or the dharma-realm
中陰: an intermediate state of the dead spirit between heaven and hell
冥府: the nether world
六道輪廻: transmigration in the six realms of karmic existence
無間地獄: Avici ('no release''), the screaming bottom-most eternal hell of interminable suffering
靈駕: the departed spirit
無住孤魂: the wandering lonely spirit of the deceased
閻羅大王: Yama, or the King of Hades
遷度齎: the Buddhist ceremony for the spirit of the deceased
自力: self power
他力: the other power
一切苦: everything is duhkha or affliction
一切空: everything is empty
一切非我: everything is 'no-self' or not self
一切無我: everything is 'non-self'
一大事因緣: the sole object of Buddha's manifestation in the world
小乘: Hinaya, the Small Vehicle
大乘: Mahayana, the Great Vehicle
上座部: Sthavira, or Theravada Buddhism
部派佛敎: Multifold school of Buddhism
唯識學派: the Consciousness-only School
說一切有部: the Sarvcastivada School, or the Existence School
經量部: Sautrantika, or the Sutra School
化他部: Mahishasaka
犢子部: Vatsiputriya
四部大衆: the fourfold retinue, or the fourfold community
外道: the Outside Ways
乾達婆: Gandharva, or 'a scent-eater'
伽葉: Kasyapa: One of the Buddha's ten major disciples, known as the foremost in ascetic practice.
阿難: Ananda: Interpreted as 'Joy'. One of the Buddha's ten major disciples known as the foremost in hearing the Buddha's teachings.
靈鷲山/靈山: Vulture Peak Mountain where Sakyamuni Buddha delivered many of His important sermons.
拈花微笑: a subtle smile to the holding of a flower
因緣: hetu-patya, or the cause and conditions
因緣法: the law of causality
緣起: dependent origination
解脫: enlightenment
遷度: the deliverance of the spirit of the deceased to the heavenly realm
遷度齋: the ceremony for the deliverance of the spirit of the deceased to the heavenly realm / the ceremony for the spirit of the deceased
下心: lowering the mind, or humility (A sage said: "Lowering one's mind or humility is the Buddha.") (“下心이 곧 부처이니라.” 어느 聖者의 말씀.)